
Tuesday, March 24, 2009


oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo
I am writing today to sing the praises of a truly great rickroller, Gian-Paolo Mendoza. This guy rickrolled me for the VERY FIRST TIME today! Other rickrollers have tried in vain to rickroll me and failed! Epicly! And today, after I showed him a skittles commercial, he showed me "another skittles commercial" . . . next thing I know, I'm rickrolled!!! My mom made me keep the window open, because she wanted to finish listening to the song. GP thought that was awesome. :P
Which reminds me, my mom wants to be an ostridge. She learned that ostridges have such high immune systems that they can't get sick!
Mom: I HAVE TB!!
Me: No, you don't.
Me: No, mom, you don't, you have a cold.
Mom: I still want to be an ostridge.
lawls, I love my mom.

Monday, March 23, 2009

10th post!

oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo

Whoot! This is the 10th post! HOORAY! To celebrate, I went to the hair dresser and got a new haircut!!

Actually, no, not really. At least, not for the 10th post. :P I got my hair done because I REALLY need to get it done . . . I got layers in! WHOO-HOO! Isn't it pretty!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo


Why do I get all the weird fruit?!

I'm sooo not eating that . . .

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Convos with my Parents

oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo
lawl, I have the most hilarious conversations with my parents . . .
There's this lady on the television talking about assosiating dogs with a new baby . . .
Dad: She's better for with the dogs . . .
Me: DADDY!!!
Mom: You're such a horrible father!!!
Dad: . . .
Then we were watching that Hershey commercial with the song "I'll Stop the World and Melt with You" . . .
Dad: *mumbles something incoherent*
Me: What?
Dad: I said, how is that girl knowing how deep that water is! How can she see through it! It's chocolate!!
Me: She's chocolate, Dad! She has chocolate skills! Thus, she can see through chocolate water!
Dad: . . .
Then, today . . .
Me: Mom, what are you doing?
Mom: Squeezing a leeemon . . .
Me: You're squeezing a LEMON!? After all the trials the poor lemon has gone through, you're SQUEEZING HIM!!!
Mom: But . . . he has to be squeezed to be useful . . .
Me: But what if he's the lemon who would grow up and discover the cure for cancer?!
Mom: . . . ahh, Chanelle . . .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not Good Enough for Me!

oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo
Today was supposed to be my Sweet Sixteen party. It was going to be EPIC. I baked a cake, cleaned the house from top to bottom, bought drinks and chips, cups and plates, and wrote out a very complicated rhyming foot rally all for the party. I invited six guests . . . lets' call them Ti, Ta, Je, Di, An, and Be. Di got sick and couldn't come. Not her fault. Je had a previous engagement and then had to do her Bronze Medallion, so she was busy all day. Again, not her fault. Ta only RSVP'd with a "maybe", and I called and called her, but she never was home, and her answering machine was full. NEITHER SHE NOR HER FAMILY WERE EVEN HOME ON THE MORNING OF THE PARTY. Be . . . she goes to boarding school and her spring break is different then ours, so she wasn't even in town, which sucks, 'cause she totally would have come. :( That leaves Ti and An. Ti BAILED. She committed to going skating with this girl that she didn't even like before and is suddenly best friends with AFTER SHE KNEW ABOUT MY PARTY. When I called her, she ended the conversation with ". . .sorry . . . oh, well, happy birthday." An could still come, but I decided to call the whole thing off anyways. I had only invited Di and An to the party because they were okay people and I wanted to be nice, plus I wanted a good big group. I'm not to chummy with An. We don't have much in common, so I called it off.
I'm going to have a party on Sunday with my REAL friends. My TLA friends. My super cool homeschooler friends who actually know how to be nice. That aren't so trivial and superficial that they only befriend those that fit into their stupid little cookie cutters. At TLA, the dark chick is friends with the brainiac future-classical-music-major. The guitar player hangs out with the lacrosse jock. And the random-fail-girl hangs out with the riverdance(?) chick (lawl) and the theater chick! And the future-dog-trainer-chick . . . and the cool chick . . . and the oooh-I-own-a-horse-and-a-car-and-naturally-have-perfect-hair-chick . . . :P
The only reason why I didn't invite these people in the first place is because I've known my other friends for YEARS. I thought they were my true friends, but they're not. My nice homeschooler friends are. So, good by public schoolers, hello homeschoolers! Welcome to my queendom!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Eva the Diva

I'd like to introduce you all to someone very cool (and my favorite model/actress), Miss Eva Marcille Pigford, a.k.a., EVA THE DIVA.

She's 23-years-old, the first black winner of America's Next Top Model, a fashion model, and an actress. She has apeared on Smallville (as Tyler Crenshaw), Kevin Hill (as herself), Tyler Perry's House of Payne (as Tracie), Everybody Hates Chris (as Ms. Crabtree), and The Game (as herself). She's also appeared in music videos such as "Baby" by Angie Stone, "I Get Money" by 50 Cent, and "DJ Play a Love Song" by Jaime Foxx. In addition, she's starred in the movies The Walk and Crossover, and appeared in I Think I Love My Wife. She's engaged to chocolate bonbon yummy-yum Lance Gross.

Mmm, very yummy-yum.
Lance plays Calvin Payne on Tyler Perry's House of Payne, who dated Tracie (Eva) for a few episodes before she dumped him (Tracie, I mean). That's actually how the two got to know each other. Obviously, their romance didn't end on screen!
Currently, Eva is playing a character named Tyra Hamilton on The Young and the Restless.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fox in a Box on the Rox

oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo

lawl, SSC . . . (this is from last weeks meeting)

I drew the coyote/dingo/hyena mix, by the way. Notice what I scribbled over his poem? He's not a fox!!!

"False Fox's Poem" (as typed above his head)
by Cara, Maryam, Nina, and Jesse (right?)

This is a fox

He has chicken pox

He rox my sox (Maryam, I soooo know that one was you)

He can pick locks

he lives in a box
he's friends with the hawks
and also the ox
he can say plox (lawl, Jesse)
he likes to eat rocks
he finds on the docks.

he hates beanstalks
but loves cakewalks
he owns macaques
who eat other hawks

(the rest is written on the top of the whiteboard)

he forms mohawks / for the kulaks / he hates peacocks / in all epochs // opportunity knocks / when he builds with woodblocks.

(end of poem)

I love my SSC! 8D


PS: I drawled him's head. :P (And yes, Jesse, HE'S "PFFT"ING AT YOU!!")

Fail, then Glee, then Fail once more

oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo

Okay, I just looked out the window and was all like, "Oh, no please!! No, please!!!!!" You know why? It was snowing. Again!!! Not majorly, but enough to make me want to cry.

Then I went into the kitchen to get some grub, and, expecting not to find anything that great, I opened the fridge and saw it. I had totally forgotten about it, but it was sitting right there, ripe for the taking . . . LEFTOVER SPAGHETTI!!!! Win!! I grabbed it and did a victory song and dance, then popped it in the microwave.

When I came back to the sofa to eat, the snow had stopped. Then it started again. D8 What's a girl got to do to get some slack around here?!

It's going off and on, and I doubt it'll stick. It's so weird, cause it's, like, a sun sprinkle . . . like a sun shower, only with little powdery snowflakes . . .

It'd better be warm outside . . .

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Warm Fuzzies

oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo

Ahh, I wurvles all my warm fuzzies. The laptop is warming my tummie . . . aah! I have my blankie . . .

My Mr. Pink . . .

And Cookie!

Aaaahh . . .

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day. Seriously. (part 2)

I took Cookie to the park, and she was pretty good . . . she really wasn't the problem, it was the big, playful dogs that kept jumping on me! I mean, how many pairs of pants do they think I have?! I have a pawprint on each knee and one on my sweatshirt from yesterday! And they hurt! SERIOUSLY!! I'm a little person, these dogs way more than me!!! Hoh my!

Arrg, I'm craving my own computer. Sure, there's not as much privacy . . .as you're doing stuff, everyone can see the screen, unlike my dad's laptop, but I'm on such a tight leash on this thing! I'm not even allowed anything but schoolwork (yes, blogging counts as schoolwork. is for english, yah know?). I can't wait 'til it's fixed!! It's getting all cleaned out, and then I can put all my stuff back in there and DOWNLOAD WOLFQUEST!!! Whoo-hoooo!!! It's the. Best. MMORPG. EVAR. You're a wolf, and you live in Yellowstone Park. You can hunt hares and elk. And in multiplayer mode, you can go hunting with other wolves, and be a real pack! And it's chock full of the coolest glitches. You can jump into rocks, see the inside of your wolf's head (lol), be killed by a bear twitcing fast enough to give you a seisure, and moonwalk!! Sounds soooo fun! Can't wait.


Cookie is eyeing my biscuit . . . Cookie . . . you shan't have my biscuit. Go away.

Day. Seriously.

Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!!
Right, so, today is a day. Thankfully, today is not the day. I hope. But let's not go into that.
It rained this morning, but it stopped. Yay, now I can walk the dog. >.> Yeah, but I'm actually looking forward to taking her to the dog park. She's getting more and more friendly, sociable, and less off-standish and shy. She was actually walking with the other dog's sniffing and peeing on stuff. Of course, I had to follow along (not follow suit, follow along). She won't go anywhere without me in there. Except, of course, the gate, where she looks back at me as if saying "Home. Now. Please?"
The clouds look so beautiful right now. Their's this giant mass of cirrus clouds above my head. They make the light so white you can't even look at them. It's making my eyes burn because, of course, I see that as a challenge and keep looking up at them. Directly at them. Ow.
Yeah, so, my dad's coming home soon and, apparently, he's going to need the computer as soon as he comes in, so . . . type to ya later!