
Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today's musings . . .

I'm supposed to be doing important things today, but I'm feeling very lazy. I don't feel like working, training the dog, or anything else that requires me moving off of my bed (thank God for laptops). But I have an excuse (sort of). You see, today is a very rainy day. It's grey and gloomy, and dull. Plus I stayed up past two last night. I was so tired that when my mom woke me up at 11:00 am to connect the cable (the cable and the dvd player can't be hooked up to the tv at once, because we have a limited number of cords) I thought it was really early in the morning. That really ticked me off, until I looked at the clock. I've never been in such a deep sleep that late before. It was the weirdest feeling.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day. I have orientation for my new (online) school tomorrow. That should be fun. Okay, back to being lazy. Bye!

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