Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
10th post!

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Why do I get all the weird fruit?!
I'm sooo not eating that . . .
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Convos with my Parents
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Not Good Enough for Me!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Eva the Diva
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Fox in a Box on the Rox
I drew the coyote/dingo/hyena mix, by the way. Notice what I scribbled over his poem? He's not a fox!!!
"False Fox's Poem" (as typed above his head)
by Cara, Maryam, Nina, and Jesse (right?)
This is a fox
He has chicken pox
He rox my sox (Maryam, I soooo know that one was you)
He can pick locks
he lives in a box
he's friends with the hawks
and also the ox
he can say plox (lawl, Jesse)
he likes to eat rocks
he finds on the docks.
he hates beanstalks
but loves cakewalks
he owns macaques
who eat other hawks
(the rest is written on the top of the whiteboard)
he forms mohawks / for the kulaks / he hates peacocks / in all epochs // opportunity knocks / when he builds with woodblocks.
(end of poem)
I love my SSC! 8D
PS: I drawled him's head. :P (And yes, Jesse, HE'S "PFFT"ING AT YOU!!")
Fail, then Glee, then Fail once more
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Warm Fuzzies
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day. Seriously. (part 2)
Arrg, I'm craving my own computer. Sure, there's not as much privacy . . .as you're doing stuff, everyone can see the screen, unlike my dad's laptop, but I'm on such a tight leash on this thing! I'm not even allowed anything but schoolwork (yes, blogging counts as schoolwork. is for english, yah know?). I can't wait 'til it's fixed!! It's getting all cleaned out, and then I can put all my stuff back in there and DOWNLOAD WOLFQUEST!!! Whoo-hoooo!!! It's the. Best. MMORPG. EVAR. You're a wolf, and you live in Yellowstone Park. You can hunt hares and elk. And in multiplayer mode, you can go hunting with other wolves, and be a real pack! And it's chock full of the coolest glitches. You can jump into rocks, see the inside of your wolf's head (lol), be killed by a bear twitcing fast enough to give you a seisure, and moonwalk!! Sounds soooo fun! Can't wait.
Cookie is eyeing my biscuit . . . Cookie . . . you shan't have my biscuit. Go away.