
Friday, September 17, 2010

Who had milk today?

Today's musings . . .

Mr. Rabello (over the mic): "Who had milk today?"
Rita: "Vegan."
Amy: "Allergic."
Me: "I had english muffins."
Cody: "Soy."
Seth: "Soy."
Mr. Rabello (over the mic): *sigh*

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tidying Up

Today's musings . . .

Ah! A new school year, a new me! (Hopefully.)

I actually did stuff today. Sure, I got up at, like, 10:00 am, but at least I did stuff. I actually did a substantial worship this morning. That felt good. However, I did find myself sinning with my mouth a lot. Hmm.

I groomed the dog, and it seems like her rash has gotten worse. The bumps got bigger and skin-peelier. It's a little gross, but I felt so bad for her. She was so ichy! I sprayed her with her moisturizing oatmeal stuff, and she seemed to feel a bit better (however, she seemed rather peeved with me when I sprayed it on her stomach).

I also made her a clicker and trained her a little. She's already catching on to the clicker (probably because she's already used to me using a clicker word). She's having issues with her "down" and "stand" though. Usually she catches on to things so quickly, but those two commands have been eluding her for awhile.

I checked all my emails! Whoo! And I actually got some posting done on this role-play site I'm on. Yeah, point and laugh at the rping geek, haha. Actually, I've been on this site for four years, and my writing skills have improved dramatically. I encourage any writers out there to join a rping site (perferably WolfClan:; tell them Sudo sent ya).

Unfortunately, my gaming addiction still has hold of me, and I have to stay up a little to wait for my pumpkins on FrontierVille to grow.

But, on a better note, I actually studied today (still have to finish Science 10, because I'm a lazy butt). I'll have it done by October, yay! Actually, since I was supposed to be finished it last June, I'd safely declare this a fail. :(

I found this cute new webcomic called Catena. Read it here.

I think that's all. I'm probably going to update Cookie's blog now, so, you can head over there to read it and junk.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today's musings . . .

I'm supposed to be doing important things today, but I'm feeling very lazy. I don't feel like working, training the dog, or anything else that requires me moving off of my bed (thank God for laptops). But I have an excuse (sort of). You see, today is a very rainy day. It's grey and gloomy, and dull. Plus I stayed up past two last night. I was so tired that when my mom woke me up at 11:00 am to connect the cable (the cable and the dvd player can't be hooked up to the tv at once, because we have a limited number of cords) I thought it was really early in the morning. That really ticked me off, until I looked at the clock. I've never been in such a deep sleep that late before. It was the weirdest feeling.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day. I have orientation for my new (online) school tomorrow. That should be fun. Okay, back to being lazy. Bye!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Today's musings . . .

As you can see, I've completely revamped the blog. I think it's a lot more fitting to me now. (Incase you didn't know, "Modena" is a synonym for "purple".)

I had something substantial to say, but I'm really tired right now. I was supposed to go to bed at, like, 9:00 pm last night (cause I'm trying to get into the habit of waking up at 4:45 am), but I went to bed at 11:00 pm because Dream Girls was on. Yup.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


oO Quiet! The Queen of Faildom speaketh!! Oo

I'm in big time need of a job. BIG TIME. I need money for my medication, my Pathfinder dues, my art supplies, my clothes (I HAVE NO SOCKS, MAN), make-up (I had to throw mine all away because it was all expired and gave me an eye infection), custom orthodics (flat feet), and my dog. And my parents have, like, no money, so, I NEED A JOB.

This post is really really bad. :(

Friday, February 5, 2010


Someone hacked my account and posted some spam here!